About us

Specialist communication training for senior technical experts

Together London is the only training provider focused on the communication needs of senior technical experts.

We provide:

  • intensive training courses in London
  • one-to-one coaching by video call
  • in-house training for high-performing teams

Since 2013 we’ve run conferences on two continents, scores of courses and countless coaching sessions.

During that time we’ve worked with hundreds of senior technical experts around the world, from developers to designers, bankers to risk managers, researchers, accountants, scientists, surgeons and UN peacekeepers.

We’ve worked with the UK’s leading technology teams like the Government Digital Service. And we’ve coached senior employees from some of the world’s top brands.

Founder Jonathan Kahn started out as a web developer, but realised the value of effective communication. He found a talent for coaching and hasn’t looked back.

If you’re a senior technical expert—or you lead a team of them—and you’d like to overcome barriers to effective communication, we’d love to hear from you.

two people make eye contact during a communication coursecommunication coaching by video calla presenter speaks in front of view of the London eyeJonathan Kahn runs a hands-on training session people laugh during a group workshoppeople practise active listening in pairs

Free online course

Speak with Confidence Under Pressurein 5 days
  • Daily prompts

  • Video lessons

  • Interactive exercises

In just 10 minutes per day, learn to:

  1. Use the right vocab
  2. Improve body language
  3. Speak off the cuff
  4. Be articulate
  5. Manage anxiety